The Italian Navy’s anti-submarine warfare FREMM Alpino took a tour of the U.S. East Coast, shown here pierside in Baltimore, Md. The Fincantieri-built warship is a contender for the U.S. Navy’s next-generation frigate, the FFG(X). (David B. Larter/Staff)
The helmsman, left, and navigator, right, guide the Alpino into Baltimore Harbor after a transit up the Chesapeake Bay. (David B. Larter/Staff)
One of the two bays in the Alpino's helicopter hanger has an NH90 folded up inside. (David B. Larter/Staff)
The crew and embarked Marines onboard the Italian FREMM Alpino participate in a weekly evening colors ceremony on the flight deck. (David B. Larter/Staff)
A sailor mans the Italian FREMM Alpino's 25mm gun mounted on the bridge wing. It is primarily used for force protection. (David B. Larter/Staff)
The Italian FREMM Alpino's air boss reviews the preflight checklist, with the aircrew looking on. (David B. Larter/Staff)
The Italian warship comes equipped with no fewer than five espresso machines. (David B. Larter/Staff)
A member of the aircrew walks across the flight deck to prepare for an afternoon flight in the Alpino's NH90 helicopter. (David B. Larter/Staff)
The Italian FREMM Alpino is underway off the coast of Virginia during its 2018 deployment to the East Coast. (David B. Larter/Staff)
The Italian FREMM Alpino prepares to deploy its variable-depth sonar. (David B. Larter/Staff)
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