CAE has delivered two new simulators for the Navy’s T-44C, the first of six planned deliveries.

The simulators feature a high-fidelity T-44C cockpit, which a company statement called "the latest digital glass cockpit avionics suite being used to upgrade the Navy's fleet of T-44C aircraft."

The T-44 is a twin-engine, fixed-wing plane used for training Navy pilots. The systems were delivered to the Navy Nov. 25 at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas.

At the start of 2014, the Navy chose CAE as its provider of aircrew training services for the T-44C. That agreement was structured as a nine-month base contract worth $3.5 million, followed by a series of one-year contract options that could top $30 million for the company.

Under that contract, CAE provides classroom instruction and simulator training for students at the Navy's Corpus Christi facilities.

"The Navy showed confidence in CAE by selecting us to deliver aircrew training services under this innovative contractor-owned and contractor-operated training program," Ray Duquette, president and general manager for CAE USA, said in a company statement.

"We are pleased to deliver these new T-44C simulators, and look forward to continuing to enhance the overall T-44C aircrew training program with the latest synthetic training technologies that ensure concurrency with the aircraft."

In a statement sure to please the crowd gathered in Orlando for this year's ITSEC conference, Rear Adm. Roy Kelley, chief of naval air training, called the simulators, "a critical component of our providing the best and fully trained aviators to the fleet in an efficient and cost-effective manner," in a CAE press release announcing the news. ■


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