
Defense News offers the commentaries and opinions from military and industry decision-makers that frame the global debate about defense policy, programs and strategy.
The Putin-Trump relationship: Nothing more than smoke and mirrors [Editorial]
In an Aug. 3 tweet, President Donald Trump had this to say: “Our relations with Russia are at a historic low, and very dangerous.” But is it? Or is it actually no different than it’s ever been, except that the current administration implied for a brief period of time we might see the relationship repaired?
Why, President Trump, you need the media [Commentary]
When there’s a clear effort to not cooperate with the media, it’s difficult to do our jobs. And I suppose that’s the point. But what I’d offer to the president is that closing the door on the press makes it awfully difficult to do your job as well.
Editorial: Invest in the USCG & Icebreakers
As severe weather battered parts of the United States in mid-February, the nation's only heavy polar icebreaker was on a rescue mission in the most frozen place on Earth.
Deep Freeze: US-Israeli Rift Deepens
The deep freeze in Washington will continue at least until March 3, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address Congress amid a deepening rift the Obama White House.
Editorial: Investment as Deterrent
During his confirmation hearing to become US defense secretary, Ash Carter rightly argued for greater budgetary restraint, reform and more defense investment.
Editorial: Carter's Mountain To Climb
With the budget outlook cloudy, DoD is working to save money. While troops, civil service and civilian contractor levels all rose after 9-11, so far it is troops and contractors who have faced the sharpest cuts.
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